Enjoy the delightful taste of Oriental Pineapple Tart, a delicious treat that combines sweet and tangy pineapple with a buttery crust. Ideal for any occasion, this tart offers a burst of tropical flavour.
For a savoury twist, try our Cheese Pineapple Tart, blending creamy cheese with the sweet tang of pineapple. Don’t miss our Classic Pineapple Tart, a timeless favourite that brings a touch of tradition to your snacking.
Classic Pineapple Tart
RM39.00 -
Cheese Pineapple Tart
RM46.00 -
Musang King Heong Pheah
RM16.90 -
Roasted Heong Pheah
RM15.90 -
Thick Chicken Biscuit